Success Keys for startups, entrepreneurs and innovators
If you have a purpose, you must have related potential; however, to pursue your goals you must unravel your potential for success
The universal key to success applies to businesses, leaders, entrepreneurs, start-ups and all individuals with a goal or mission. Innovators of new technologies and successful businesspersons hold true to this philosophy. All these must embrace their potential as the very key to their success.
What will you like to become?
In life, one of the most common questions every child faces is, “What would you like to become when you grow up?” Though this question does not require an immediate response, every child, when asked, is excited, perhaps; to become a president, a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a pharmacist or any of the enviable and lucrative professions of the statuesque repeated mentioned by parents and heroes.
Over 90% of people who embrace their natural potential as a key to their success dare to succeed
Ironically, children change their love for a particular profession many times during this cycle of growth and when they finally realize what is best for them in life.
Growing up as a child, I faced a situation whether to become an accountant or a journalist. The former was the choice of my father and the latter, mine. I spent many years trying to perfect my skills in accounting, but since I did not love it, there was no passion to develop those skills wholeheartedly.
Separating purpose from infatuations
I finally got my grip. Separating itself from all the things I wanted to become in life; as part of my adolescence infatuations, writing came to me so naturally with an intuitive understanding, love and passion. First, words fascinate me. Every word I see, hear, or say becomes a foundation that I can develop into phrases, descriptive sentences, and eventually, topics and articles.
Every day as I sat in class to study or walked in the streets of Accra in Ghana where I grew up, there was this overwhelming desire to express the beauty of words in any form possible.
This did not change even after many years when I migrated to the United States, commuting in the streets of Washington, DC and drinking my early morning coffee at Starbucks and years of working in warehouses to support my family abroad.
Though your environment may change, your gift and purpose in life do not change. However, observing and understanding the dispensation and age in which you find yourself, and seizing the moment to pursue purpose and fulfillment, is critical. This, I intend to elaborate in subsequent articles.
Purpose, Potential, Fulfillment and Success
Perhaps George Burns, a successful actor, and a well-known comedian of the eightieth century, was right. In his quote, I will rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate. George presented four things worth thinking about.
He summed up his motivation and world view of success in his unfailing desire to accomplish what he saw as his purpose in life. He realized and respected his potential, finding fulfillment and success in his career.
No one should disregard the inner desires that come so naturally to him or her. This helps in risk management in the choice of one’s career. Never disregard the fact that doing something you hate, even if you think you are successful, will never bring fulfillment or job satisfaction.
In fact, your purpose in life determines your potential. If you have purpose, you must have related potential. Unlocking potential is essential as the key to pursuing a purpose for success! Over the years, the word potential has developed into many names in every walk of life. Some people call it talent;
Whilst most innovators will depend on a talent or a God-given gift to succeed, businesses care more about missions that have palpable growth potential whether relating to hiring the right people for the job (their human resource potential) or having the power or what it takes to gain or expand their venture capital.
Their mission is to succeed and to do this, venture capitalists though may take risks, are always in the business of minimizing loses by establishing and pursuing rules, talents, programs and getting and developing what it takes to succeed by staying true to their purpose. Like any other creative individual, entrepreneurs, start-ups or leaders who must enjoy the benefits of job-satisfaction in pursuit of success, businesses must have a purpose in their campaign as a benchmark to success.
This reflects in their targeted advertising campaigns, pricing and packaging of their products and services. When a business does all these things well, it most often accomplishes and fulfills its mission.
Do what you love to be successful
In retrospect, however, in the many years that I have pursued the art of writing, my love and passion for this discipline leave no room for failure but productivity, innovations and exploitation.
Experts estimate that over 90% of people who embrace their natural potential as a key to their success dare to succeed, whether as an entrepreneur or a working professional. People who do something just because it is attractive or popular and do not have the corresponding potential will run the race of others and ultimately struggle to achieve success.
Enoch Antwi
Enoch Antwi is the managing editor at The Business Frontal. He worked as a business and an environmental journalist in the late 1990s with the Business and Financial Times. His passion is to provide on-demand valuable information and insights on business, entrepreneurship, leadership, innovative technologies, and principles for corporate success in today's business world.